I have naturally straight hair, like perfectly straight. Ever since got my hair cut in layers it has these giant waves. Like bumps, mostly on my right side. Its kinda hard to explain but anyway, every night I straighten my hair completely straight like it is naturally, and it looks perfect. I put hair spray in it ot make sure it stays straight. Its completely dry and straight, yet I go to sleep and wake up in the morning with another wave! Sometimes its not as bad as it was before I straightened it. I don't understand why my hair is so uncooperative! I can't stand working so hard to get my hair perfect and then having it ruined. And I can do it in the morning, I have to much to do in the morning and straightening my hair is not another thing I want to add to the list, I am not a morning person anyway. Please if there is anyway I can keep my hair straight and maybe even get it more straight to begin with help me! I'm lost here and I'm tried of wasting my time. Please and thanks :DHow can I straighten my hair and keep it straight? [[Read description :] ]]?
I would check your local drugstore, salon, or walmart because there are actually some products that are for over night. I'll try and post some links below, but its what my friend uses at night and she has super curly hair.
Something that also helps is to but in a low and NOT TIGHT ponytail before bedHow can I straighten my hair and keep it straight? [[Read description :] ]]?
Get your hair chemically straightened.
Good luck.
Whenever my hair doesn't go how I kike it I take it as a sign of god to shave my head.
i saw on tv the ladies in africa put cow poo on their hair. Makes it healthy, straight. You might attract new people into your life.
Obviously you have naturally wavy hair which shows up when it's shortened. When it's long, the weight pulls it out straight. You can let the layers grow back out again, use a chemical straightener, or just deal with it and do the little touch-ups in the morning. I would suggest the latter. I understand. I have the same issues. Have you tried scrunching it? That might work and be real cute on you.
i have the same problem but i fixed it.. use what the call hair wax... i know that sounds gross but when you hair is wet flip it over a use that. then blow dry it.blow dry it while your hair is still flipped over when your hair is dry. get your hair dry straightener and straighten it in layers. tease your hair in the back, i call it the poof, but that's just me. anyways use the wax stuff and spry it one more time so your hair stays like that and it looks really cute trust me
Oh ya I know how you feel. My hair is exactly like that. I just got a really good Straightener from my best friend and the brand is Conair it works really good. Go to www.kmart.com and look up straighteners or go to the store and get the conair one that says it heats up in 30 seconds. Then after that spray some hairspray in it. not like too much that you can't comb through your hair and not just a little so you can't even feel it. just a medium amount. My brand of hairspray, well I have 2 kinds. they both work great they are Freeze It and Herbal Essences. Hope this helped for you!
Straighten your hair at night and put it in a loose ponytail before you go to bed. When your wake up in the morning, brush your hair and straighten the slight crease the hair-tie made and any small bumps that might've formed. This should take 5 minutes max. To keep it straight the whole day use anti-frizz or straightening serum.
Hope it works! Sure does for me [:
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